Inclusion Centre

Welcome to the Inclusion Centre Classes

On this page, you can meet the staff and find out a bit more about the Inclusion Centre Classes at Milton Park Primary School.

The pupils voted for our classes to be named after flowers this year.

We have two classes in the Inclusion Centre: Daisy & Daffodil



Meet the  Inclusion Centre Team

Mrs Walton

Inclusion Centre Class Teacher

Mrs Young is Head of the Inclusion Centre

Mrs Draby


Mrs Baily

Assistant Teacher

Mr May

Assistant Teacher

Mrs Nicholl

Assistant Teacher

Mrs Pateman

Assistant Teacher

Mrs McFarlane

Assistant Teacher

Miss Fleming

Assistant Teacher

Miss Stringer

Assistant Teacher

Inclusion Centre Curriculum

Learning for Life

Children will be supported to learn about themselves, so that they can identify their strengths and develop self-confidence. They will learn to recognise and manage their own feelings using the Incredible 5-point scale.

Children will be encouraged to be independent and develop their self-care skills, learning about hygiene, food preparation, how to keep themselves healthy and safe, including in the community and online. Children will be supported to solve problems by being independent thinkers.

We will encourage children to develop ways to entertain themselves in their free time.  We are very mindful that many children can fixate on screen time and our philosophy is to support them to learn other ways to entertain themselves so we will encourage children to read, draw, play with toys or be active outside during their free time. 

Communication, Language and Literacy.

Children are supported to develop their communication skills so that they can express their wants and needs and develop positive relationships with adults and peers. This may involve supporting speech sound production, developing receptive and expressive language (through Wellcomm intervention) and learning new social skills. Visuals are used to support communication.

To support their friendship skills children will have opportunities to interact with mainstream peers. If they are able to, they can attend assemblies or special event days in school, join school trips, PE or Art lessons or playtimes. Sometimes their peers from the mainstream will come to join some learning in the Inclusion Centre to support these relationships. 

Our aspiration is for all children to learn to read by the time they leave Milton Park. Learning to read can take longer for children in the inclusion centre but we are relentless in our efforts to support them to develop their reading skills. We use a combination of synthetic phonics and daily reading and encourage a love of books by sharing engaging stories. Colourful Semantics is used to support children to compose and write grammatically accurate sentences.

We will teach the children some Spanish greetings like hello and good morning, numbers and colours.


Children will learn fundamental number skills, such as counting, ordering and solving number problems, including problems set in a real-life context. We also focus on teaching time, weighing, measuring and money.

Physical Development

Children have frequent opportunities to develop their fine and gross motor skills as well as learning sports specific skills, including following rules. We go swimming every year and enjoy the Wheels for All sessions at Bransbury Park in the summer. Some children will take part in sensory circuits and/or join their mainstream peers for PE lessons. The Jungle Gym is used during Golden Time at the end of the day. We also incorporate physical breaks during the day which include using resistance bands or yoga.

Understanding the World

This includes our science, history and geography learning and learning about religious buildings, rules and special books as well as learning about festivals that are celebrated in our school and the community.

Children have a weekly computing lesson. In addition to this they have regular opportunities to use iPads and Chrome books to support their learning and watch educational programmes such as Newsround.

Arts and Design

This includes our art, design and technology, singing, music, drama and dance. We will teach drawing, painting, printing and sculpting skills and study artists such as Georgia O’Keefe, My Dog Sighs and Andy Goldsworthy.

We will join materials to make models such as moving vehicles or simple picture frames. Children will have regular opportunities to learn about food hygiene and learn to prepare simple snacks using peeling, cutting and grating skills.

Over the course of four years children will learn about these areas of Science, History and Geography


Animals: classifying, habitats and life cycles, making and exploring bug hotels

The human body: body parts and their functions, growth and change, taking care of yourself.

Plants: naming plant parts and knowing what a plant needs to grow, growing plants

Materials: naming materials, identifying properties and linking them to their functions, changing materials, including dissolving

Seasons:  how things change

Light: sources of light, exploring shadows

Magnets: magnetic materials, attracting and repelling

Electricity: safety and making simple circuits

Sun, Earth and Moon: knowing they are spheres in space, amongst other planets and that the earth has gravity.


Castles : who lived in them, what were they for, key features and functions

Transport – how transport has changed over time

Explorers: Neil Armstrong/Tim Peake

The Great Fire of London: key events and understanding why it spread so quickly.

Titanic: key events

Tudors: who was Henry VIII, what is his legacy in Portsmouth (Mary Rose and Southsea Castle), what was it like living in Tudor time

Romans: where did they come from, what did the soldiers wear, what did they eat, Roman numerals

Remembrance: Poppy Day


Map skills: reading and making simple maps, knowing the 4 compass points

UK: know the 4 countries of the UK, locate them, the capital city and Portsmouth on a map

Physical and Human features: beaches, hills, forest, mountains, rivers and land use e.g. schools, offices, shops, parks

Comparing countries: recognise some key differences between other countries and the UK such as weather, terrain and food

Local area study


Trips not only enhance curriculum learning but support the development of life skills in the community, including teaching children how to use public transport. Children will have frequent visits to the immediate local area, including to the church, library, shops, café and parks. Venturing further, we will visit the Rose Gardens, Southsea Castle and The Spinnaker Tower.  

Information for Parents

PE Day

Inclusion Centre PE Days are Tuesday & Thursday. Children come to school in their PE kit on these days.


We use Seesaw to communicate with parents and share learning – both in school and at home.We love seeing what the children get up to outside of school as well as their home learning activities- don’t forget to upload your photos to their journal!

Times Table Rock Stars


Click on the images to visit the sites.


Click to read the SLS eBook Parent Guide

Inclusion-Centre-Welcome - 2023-2024.pptx

Meet The Teacher September Welcome Meeting