
Miss Harris-Hayes is the science coordinator at Milton Park Primary School.

Science Planning Toolkit.pptx

Science at Milton Park Primary School

Observing tadpoles as part of learning out the life cycle of frogs.

Aims and Visions

Scientific understanding is an integral part of beginning to understand the world around us and at Milton Park, we pride ourselves on exposing all the exciting elements of science to our pupils. We aim to deliver a curriculum that encourages curiosity, questioning and enquiry via investigation and experimentation. We place our lessons in contexts that enable the pupils to see the real-world value of that concept and we aim to deliver lessons in our wonderful outdoor woodland that will immerse the pupils in the natural world that surrounds them.

Science topics are rich in both written and mathematical presentation and we encourage pupils to use a diverse range of scientific vocabulary. We aim to provide many opportunities for the children to lead their learning and react to current global news that may create a chance for the children to use their scientific skills, such as plastic pollution.

We know that children are natural scientists and with our support and guidance, will develop into thoughtful citizens that consider their environment and those around them.

How we teach Science

Science topics for each half term are taken from the Cams Hill Consortium scheme of work: this enables a progression through the school and all areas of this scheme must be covered to ensure this. 

Key documents like the Science Overview give a clear understanding of what prior year groups have been exposed to. This document also has key vocabulary that must be covered for each topic. 

Science lessons are often linked to practical investigation and aim to include the local environment with real life issues throughout the year.

What will you see in a Science lesson?

You will see lots of whole class discussion, predictions, talking partners, key vocabulary being used, pictorial support, exciting and interactive experiments as well as clear lesson objectives and recording. Evidence of learning could be shown in a multitude of ways and is not limited to writing. 

Lessons have cross-curricular links where applicable but always come back to the science learning objective.

Beach Cleans!

Mrs Gibbs's daughter organises family friendly beach clean events that take place each school holiday. Hopefully you can join them!

You can find out more on Facebook! Click below.


They even met Matt Baker for BBC Countryfile! 🌍