Mrs Mitchell is the subject coordinator for Spanish at Milton Park Primary School

Spanish at Milton Park Primary School
At Milton Park, we aim to inspire children to not only begin their journey in learning a new language but to foster curiosity about another culture. Developing basic skills, developing a love of language and an appreciation of different people. Preparing children to develop their language skills in secondary school, holidays and maybe even living abroad.
"Con idioms, estås en casa en cualquier lugar" - "With languages, you are at home anywhere"
We follow the Language Angels Scheme of learning.
Aims and Visions
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, with over 460 million native speakers. It is the official language in over 20 countries, including popular British tourist destinations. The development of the language skills, learnt across Key Stage 2, will help prepare the children for secondary school, and may even be the first stepping stones to them working and living abroad in the future.
The focus is on developing the children’s practical communication, encouraging a love of language learning, and an appreciation of different people and cultures. Through developing and deepening their understanding of the world, we aim to foster curiosity and respect for diversity, whilst igniting an excitement for further language learning.
How we teach Spanish
Spanish is taught by class teachers in Key Stage 2 (KS2), using Language Angels. Lessons take place for 45 minutes a week, on an alternating half-term (3 half terms per year). The long term plan has been created, using lesson modules from Language Angels, in accordance with its Language Learning Progression by year group document. This ensures the core skills are taught and cover all three elements of reading, speaking and writing.
Whilst Spanish is not taught every half-term, the school promotes a love of learning through participating in language days and learning of Spanish songs. KS1 expose children to Spanish phrases when appropriate, such as greetings and answering the register.
What will you see in a Spanish lesson?
In Spanish lessons using the Language Angels scheme, you will see children actively engaged in their learning through the use of voice. The lessons are taught using interactive PowerPoints with sound buttons to ensure children hear and use the correct pronunciations of words. There are also a range of short, snappy activities including games, stories and songs. You should expect the lessons to include plenty of speaking practice through the use of talking partners, and constant repetition of vocabulary in different ways e.g. whole class, individuals, conversations etc. This allows children to practise their vocabulary/conversational Spanish.
A Spanish lesson should start by recapping the previous learning, which is then built upon. Prior knowledge of grammar and vocabulary should be regularly referred to in order to support the children when speaking and writing, and similarities and differences between Spanish and English discussed. Lessons may end with children completing an activity to consolidate their independent learning.
You should expect to see children building upon previous knowledge to apply and extend their pronunciation skills to new vocabulary, building up their fluency, linking spellings with sounds and meanings, and writing words, phrases and sentences using appropriate resources.
There is an assessment at the end of each block of learning.
What should learning look like in Spanish?
As most of the learning in Spanish involves speaking, this will be evidenced in the classroom and may be recorded on Seesaw. Short writing activities to make the link between the pronunciation and how it is written, should be spelt correctly, using accents on letters as needed. This would be evidenced in Project books, or photos taken for Seesaw. Throughout KS2, children should become increasingly confident in using bilingual dictionaries to aid them with their learning. Where possible, cross curricular links are made to other projects.
Language Angels is also available for parents/carers on the school intranet so they can support children to access “Language Angels Home School” to further support learning and increase engagement.
Whole School Languages Day
We celebrated Languages Day. This was a day for the whole school to celebrate and experience different countries, cultures, diversity and promote a love of language learning! We dressed up, made cooked foods including pasta, learned traditional dances and more! Thank you very much to @EALPortsmouth and your wonderful team of bilingual assistants who came and taught the children phrases in a range of languages!