Milton Park Primary School Governing Board
Jenny McKenzie
Acting Chair
Charlotte Morris
Aamir Amin
Sarah Anderson
Wendy Fowler
Lizzi Agius
Staff Governor
The Milton Park Governing Board is a unicameral body that consist of “portfolio” holders who carry out the statutory responsibilities of a Governing Body. The principal role of the governors is to support, challenge and monitor the School Improvement Plan of the school. The Governors can be contacted at any time by writing to the Chair of Governors or clerk via the school. The fundamental role of the School Governors is to act as a link between the school and the community they serve, and also between the school and the Education Authority. However, under the new legislation, School Governors are given more direct and far-reaching responsibilities. The normal term of office for a Governor is four years. The governors hold at least one meeting per half term.
Governors may be contacted through the School Office Telephone: 023 9273 3792
Andrew Gilbert
Clerk to the Governing Board’ Minutes
The minutes of governors meetings are public documents and are open to be viewed by any interested person.
The Governing Board has opted not to place minutes on the school’s website, preferring instead to have them available in the school on request. We have taken this approach as, by their nature, minutes are the written record of an official proceeding. They are therefore not exhaustive records of everything that was said. As a result, the Governors have a concern that reading the minutes in isolation, without the ability to understand the context of the discussion, could be misinterpreted.
Minutes are therefore available to read at the school, where a member of the senior staff or a member of the Governing Board could be available to answer any questions or set the context of the material being discussed.
Note: The Governing Board is not required to make available confidential minutes and minutes which contain material relating to matters which, by reason of the nature, the Governing Board is satisfied should remain confidential.
University of Portsmouth Acadamy Trust: Trustees
To find out more about Trust Governance, visit the UPAT webiste:
Our Academy Trust is led by a board of Members and a Trust Board to ensure its success.
Our Members and Trustees will work collaboratively with the Trust's schools and the University to ensure high standards of achievement for all children and young people involved in the Trust. Read below to find out more about the experience of our members and trustees and their roles in developing the Academy Trust.
Governance Structure (can be found in the scheme of delegation)