
Thinking of joining Year R in September?

Take a look at our new entrants video.  💙

Email: admin@miltonparkprimaryschool to arrange a tour of the school.

Year R New Entrants

Click on the image to find our more information about Year R New Entrants

Admissions 24-25 UPAT.pdf

In-Year Admissions

This policy will be used during 2024-25 for allocating places in the main admission round for entry to Year R in September 2024. It will also apply to in-year admissions during 2024/25. 

Admissions Policy Inclusion Centre MPPS.pdf

Inclusion Centre Admissions

Click on the policy to find out about the specific criteria for Inclusion Centre admissions. 

You can also find out more about our Incusion Centre on the dedicated website page.

Admissions Policy 25-26_UPAT.pdf

2025-26 Admissions

This policy will be used during 2025-26 for allocating places in the main admission round for entry to Year R in September 2025. It will also apply to in-year admissions during 2025/26. 


If a parent is unsuccessful with any of their preferences for admission, they will have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel and will be provided with the relevant documentation and advice by the LA's Admissions Service.  

 A link to the LA website - appeals section is to be added:

