Sports Premium
Sports Premium
The school receives funding to improve the provision and sustainability of the sports provision across the school. It is the role of the PE Coordinator and senior leaders to ensure that this money is spent effectively.
Jungle Gym
On entry, children’s physical development is an area of weakness, which impacts on other areas of their learning. To support this, we have used the sports premium funding to install a Jungle Gym into our Year R / Year 1 outdoor area.
Pupil Voice in KS2 also voted for their own jungle gym to be installed!
Year 6 Swimmers 2022/23
Swim 25m - 53%
Self- rescue - 71%
Range of strokes - 29%
Year 6 Swimmers 2023/24
Swim 25m - 32%
Self- rescue - 51%
Range of strokes - 47%