Service Pupil Premium

Who qualifies as a service child?

What does the money get spent on?

The Service Pupil Premium is spent on pastoral support. Mrs Northeast is our Behaviour Learning Mentor and one of our WBM (well being mentors) here in school. Our service children take priority here at Milton Park to be supported during the deployment cycle, as a family or to meet individual needs.

The school receives £320 for each child registered as having a serving parent, in any armed service. 

There is a box to complete on the green registration form upon enrollment to the school.

What does that look like?

So why are we different from other schools?

Here at Milton Park we believe that children are at the heart of all we do. We don’t just support children who are on the service children's register. We support children who may live separately from a serving parent. They may be in receipt of free school meals or another form of Pupil Premium. We still support these children and they are included in all the activities.

Who do we work with?

We work collaboratively with Pompey Military Kids club (PMK), Aggies, Local Naval bases, parents, The Naval Families Federation and Local forces charities.  We don't like to brag but it was a former pupil of ours who won the competition for designing the logo for PMK. 

If you would like to discuss our Service Children's Provision you an can email Mrs Northeast or alternatively call the school number and she will be happy to call you back at a convenient time.