Pastoral Support

Pastoral Support at Milton Park Primary School

Pastoral Manager

Mrs Hall

Our dedicated Pastoral Manager, Mrs Hall,  is always available: visible on the gate in the mornings, supporting at meetings and offering advice and encouraging our parents to be the best they can possibly be.

Click on her picture to go to our Family Support Page where you will find more hints, tips and resources

Behaviour and Emotional Support

Mrs Northeast

Behaviour Learning Mentor

Learning Mentors

Our learning mentors are based in Treetops to meet the children’s pastoral needs. They offer proactive and reactive support to children through both targeted interventions and talk time as needed.

Treetops is used across the school to support children with their social and emotional needs. It is a calm place for them to go and re-regulate to enable them to be ready for learning.

To further support, this provision is also available to the children at break and lunch times.

Mrs Gover

Emotional Learning Mentor

The Treetops room is available to all children, during lessons and break times and provides a space where children can take some time out and settle themselves before returning to their learning. We support children to identify how they are feeling, that it’s okay to be angry (but there are rules to keep us safe) and some ways to calm down. This safe space is mirrored in classrooms and other places around the school too.

Emotional Literacy Support

Children are supported to develop a growth mindset.

Children are supported to understand how they are feeling and what these different emotions mean.

The Five Point Scale

 We also teach our children to recognise and communicate their emotions by using ‘The incredible five point scale’ created by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis, as a visual support.

 By recognising how they are feeling children can then learn to develop strategies to manage uncomfortable feelings and self regulate. 

It has many others uses too, including being used as a noiseometer in some classrooms.

Social Stories

We use social stories to support children with a  range of situations.

 These include; 

Social stories are the most effective when they are read at home, school and can be recited by the children themselves.  

My Voice

My Voice is a strategy that we use to give the children the opportunity to celebrate things that are going well and problem solve the things that they wish they could change. For our younger children, this is often done through play.