
Mrs Agius is the Maths Leader at Milton Park Primary School.

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Maths at Milton Park Primary School

At Milton Park Primary School, we use the maths mastery approach, developed by NCETM, as the foundations of our maths teaching. Our aim is for all children to be able to access mathematics appropriate to their age group, using adaptation and challenge to ensure the learning is accessible to a range of learning abilities and styles. 

We promote whole class teaching, rather than setting to ability, as this exposes all children to higher level thinking and vocabulary rather than capping any child’s learning or ability. This approach is unpinned by several educational researchers as well as the NCETM. The maths curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure small steps and children have both conceptual and procedural understanding of the mathematics they are learning. The essential idea behind mastery is that all children need a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning: describing in their own words, representing in a variety of ways, explaining to others, making explicit links and connections, recognising and applying in a range of contexts/problems and away from the point of teaching.

How we teach Maths

Maths is taught through fluency, reasoning and problem solving with a wide range of contexts and representations relating to real life. Teaching focuses on ensuring children have procedural and conceptual understanding of the areas of mathematics taught at primary level. At the planning stage, we use a range of resources to support with the planning of maths. These include:

What will you see in a Maths lesson?

In lessons, we promote whole class teaching of both conceptual and procedural understanding and the use of the CPA approach. In lessons you will see:

Calculation Policy 2022 -2023.pdf

Information for Parents

2024 Multiplication Check for Parents.pdf

Children in Year 4 are required to take the statuatory Muliplication Tables Check.

Click on the image of the workbooks to download your FREE copies of the Years 1 - 6 resources.

We use Times Table Rockstar and Numbots to support children to develop their fluency and recall of key number facts - it's fun too!