Design Technology
Mr Kennedy is the DT coordinator at Milton Park Primary School

Design Technology at Milton Park Primary School
In Design & Technology children will learn to plan, make and evaluate projects. Children will discover, develop and embed a variety of STEM skills which will be useful throughout their lives.
Design & Technology is taught termly so that children regularly get to explore using a variety of tools and materials. Children's learning in this subject will be led through talk and discovery, where children will analyse problems and create their own solutions where they can be creative and innovative.
“There are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”
— Milton Glaser
Aims and Visions
At Milton Park we aim to give children real world experiences and skills through our curriculum, and we believe that Design Technology is a great example of how these elements come together. Children will be given the opportunity to explore different tools and materials to create products with real world uses that link to other areas of their learning.
Following a structure of ‘plan, make and evaluate’, we will encourage children to:
- Use their prior knowledge to help them make informed planning decisions
- Learn how to use different tools and techniques to create something
- Reflect on their product and the process of creating it in order to improve their skills for the future
With the ever-growing importance of STEM in our society, all of these skills will prove to be vital across the curriculum and in their professional lives.
How we teach DT
Cross-curricular learning is a key component of teaching at Milton Park, and therefore it is encouraged that DT projects are linked to other areas of the curriculum, such as science, history or geography. DT should be taught termly, or an equivalent of three times across the academic year. The projects covered in each year group are laid out in the DT Long Term Plan, and correlate directly with the progression of skills document to ensure that a wide range of skills are covered and refined throughout a child’s time at Milton Park.
All DT projects must follow the structure of ‘plan, make and evaluate’, as per the Progression of Skills document. For children in Years 2-6, this structure is outlined in the DT Design Booklet that can be adapted but must be used in each DT project throughout the year. Children in Early Years and Year 1 are still follow the ‘plan, make and evaluate’ structure, however this may be evident through the practise of Continuous Provision.
For children in Years 2-6, the DT Design Booklet will be completed throughout any DT project. This could be handwritten, and included in a child’s Project Book, or it could be completed on Seesaw. Children will have an opportunity to explore existing products through research and testing these products for themselves. Children will work practically to create their own products, developing their skills in food preparations, textiles and joining materials. They will evaluate their products in a variety of ways, including peer feedback and self-evaluation.