Milton Park Primary School is proud to be one of the three founding schools of the University of Portsmouth Academy Trust, which we officially joined on the 1st January 2022. This trust brings with it all the benefits of working collaboratively with other schools and a university while maintaining our own unique identiy. You can visit the UPAT website by clicking on the footer at the bottom of each page on this website.
Company House: 13685175
Registered Office: c/o Woodcot Primary School, Tukes Avenue, Hampshire, PO13 0SG
Community matters at Milton Park Primary School
Here are some of the photographs capturing some of our community events:
meeting Lauren Steadman at to celebrate her Paralympic medal wins
supporting a local food bank with donations from our Harvest Festival
celebrating Decades Week with families on the school playground for the Jubilee
Year R and 1 learning to ride bikes with Bikeability
Year 6 enriched their WWII project with a visitor and his military collection
the whole school joined in with our Sports for Schools event and were visited by Invictus Games athlete - Luke Delahunty
Year R enjoyed a parent workshop based on storytelling and crafts
a local artist visited and work with Year 4
we enjoy several visits to St James Church throughout the year so that the whole school can get together for assemblies and celebrations such as the annual poetry competition