Physical Education
Mr McCabe is the PE coordinator at Milton Park Primary School

PE at Milton Park Primary School
Aims and Vision
Our aim at Milton Park is to ensure all children receive a high quality Physical Education which inspires all children to succeed and excel in both competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. We provide a range of opportunities for pupils to complete in sport through our partnership with Hampshire School Games. Through these events and in house events such as sports day, we aim to build character and embed sporting values. From our curriculum, pupils will become physically educated though experiencing a range of activity areas that:
- develop competence in a range of physical skills
- create resilient learners who are confident and equipped to take on different challenges
- encourage creativity and open-mindedness
- develop cooperative and collaborative skills in a range of activities
- promotes a healthy lifestyle where children love being active
How we teach Physical Education
Physical Education is taught weekly by class teachers, or invited coaches from the commnunity. Get Set 4 PE is followed for statuatory PE lessons. In addition, daily fitness is a social physical activity where children have input in what the class do. Daily fitness can look different across the school, it could be 15 minutes of yoga, dance, the daily mile or a workout! Across the school, each teacher has been trained to deliver lessons based upon the national curriculum ensuring appropriate skills are met from the progression of skills document.
What will you see in a PE lesson?
Children will be able to move around the space and warm up quickly in a variety of fun ways. They stretch, and underrstand why they do each stretch. As they move into upper KS2 these should begin to be pupil lead. The skill should then be taught, including the safety measures. A child expert could be used to demonstrate this.
The children have some time to experiment with the new skill. Mini plenaries are used to demonstrate children who have begun to master the skill. Children are able to evaluate other children commenting on WWW and EBI.
Children enjoy their PE learning and reasonable adjustments are be made so all children can access each task. Skills are often documented and evidenced on SeeSaw. Children are supported to verbalise what skills they are learning and why. Children show resilience within their PE lessons and are enabled to tackle new skills.
At Milton Park, a range of sports are taught across the curriculum to allow each child the opportunity to ‘shine’.
Enrichment Activities
Year 6 Swimmers 2022/23
Swim 25m - 53%
Self- rescue - 71%
Range of strokes - 29%
Year 6 Swimmers 2023/24
Swim 25m - 32%
Self- rescue - 51%
Range of strokes - 47%