Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

On this page, you can meet the staff and find out a bit more about Year 2 at Milton Park Primary School.

The pupils voted for our classes to be named after flowers this year.

Year Group Email:


Meet the Year 2 Team

Mrs Diggins

Tulip Class Teacher

Mrs Mansbridge 

Tulip Class Teacher

Miss Gibbens

Lily Class Teacher

Year 2/3 Phase Leader

Miss Finch

Assistant Teacher

Miss Lapworth

Assistant Teacher

Miss Smith

Assistant Teacher

Year  2 Projects

Project Overviews.pptx

Information for Parents

PE Day

Year 2 PE days are on  Tuesday & Wednesday. Children come to school in their PE kit on these days.


We use Seesaw to communicate with parents and share learning – both in school and at home.We love seeing what the children get up to outside of school as well as their home learning activities- don’t forget to upload your photos to their journal!

Times Table Rock Stars


Click on the image to visit the sites.

Meet the teacher September 2024.pptx.pdf

Meet The Teacher September Welcome Meeting