
Mrs Fowler has overall responsibility for attendance in school; she is supported by Mrs Hall and Miss Brooks.

If you have any qestions or concerns, you can contact a member of the attendance team via the admin email address:

You MUST report your child's absence with a valid reason, otherwise it will go down as an unauthorised absence. 

If you have not followed one of the following step by 09:00am, then we will contact you to asking for the reason of abesence.

Ways to report:

App: Studybugs

Phone: 023 92 733792 - please press option 1 to leave us a message



You can also visit the NHS website

Attendance Problems

We aim to support parents and carers to help remove any barriers which prevent a child attending school. These could be barriers which the child has or which the parent has. 

Our starting point is always one of support; in return, we expect parents to contact school at an early stage and work with us in resolving any problems together. We try to resolve attendance issues within school.

Porsmouth City Council's campaign

Should my child go to school today?

It can be challenging as a parent to make the right decision about whether to send your child to school if they are feeling a little under the weather. Below is a poster aimed to help you make your decision.

Is attendance important?

The answer is quite simply - Yes!

Firstly, it is a legal requirement for children of school age to regularly attend school.

Good attendance is also directly realated to a child's enjoyment and achievement at school and is vital to prompote successful lifelong learning. Poor attendance in early years can have a significant impact on education and results at GCSE level.

Primary education provides the building blocks and foundations for futher education and for your child to achieve their best in GCSEs and further education, they need to achieve well in primary.


If you need to apply for a Leave of Absence for your child during term time, please collect a form from the school office.