Mrs Garnett is the PHSE Coordinator at Milton Park Primary School.
PSHE at Milton Park Primary School
Milton Park Primary school is a nurturing learning environment in which each child is encouraged to develop to their full potential and where their achievements and successes are celebrated and rewarded.
As a school, we recognise PSHE as an important aspect of a child’s learning as it helps them to develop the skills and understanding they will need to live confident, healthy and independent lives as well as being effective learners. We believe that children are individuals and therefore, we aim to encourage mutual respect, responsibility and foster self-esteem in a happy and caring atmosphere. These are reinforced through our Golden Rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Do your Best.
Valuing families and different family structures
Creating and maintaining positive friendships
Developing safe and respectful relationships
Understanding the changes that take place during puberty
Promoting good health and carrying out first aid
Learning to make independent choices and not to be influenced by others
Operating safely in a digital world
How we teach PSHE
At Milton Park Primary School, PSHE is taught in regular, once a week sessions. Each year group has a specific programme of study each half term. Teachers ensure they have assessed what the children already know and understand before embarking on a unit of work. This knowledge should then be revisited and updated at the end of the unit to assess progress made. Lessons are available on the Kapow website for teachers to access.
Lessons themselves are taught in a safe and supportive environment with ground rules already set in place at the beginning of the school year and agreed with the children. Children feel safe to ask questions, challenge opinions and share their own ideas. PSHE is taught in a positive way free from guilt or shock value, using a wide variety of age appropriate and relevant stimuli. Where possible, teachers should act as the facilitator and allow children to lead the direction of learning.
The Kapow scheme of learning is a spiral curriculum, which means that knowledge and skills are built upon each year.
If issues arise on the playground or in class, outside of PSHE learning, teachers use these as opportunities to deepen the children’s PSHE learning and address these in a respectful, restorative and constructive way. All classes participate in circle time each week.
Additionally, we have weekly assemblies in which we celebrate the achievements of children across the school, focusing on particular events that are being celebrated throughout the UK or worldwide (Anti-bullying week, Disability History Month). Assemblies are planned and led by members of the leadership team.
What will you see in a PSHE lesson?
During PSHE learning at Milton Park, you will see children actively engaged in their learning through a variety of activities and stimuli that are relevant and age appropriate. All learning will include knowledge and skills based learning, which is built upon each year. You will see whole class and peer discussions, with children sharing and reflecting on their own experiences. This will be carried out through whole class, small group and individual learning. The classroom is a respectful environment, where children feel confident to share their ideas and opinions as well as ask questions. Evidence of PSHE learning is recorded in a variety of ways, whether that be written, acted out, drawn, reported or performed.
PSHE is interwoven into all we do at Milton Park
Assembly themes are often centred around the Unicef Rights of the Child
Our Golden Rules
The Red Box Project
The school is part of the Red Box Project government initiated scheme. This provides free period project for our young girls. To avoid unnecessary embarrassment at a significant point in their lives, children are informed of the whereabouts of the box at the appropriate time.