
Mrs Diggins and Mrs Mitchell are  the art coordinators at Milton Park Primary School.

ART Planning Toolkit.pptx

Art at Milton Park Primary School

Aims and Visions

At Milton Park Primary School, we believe that art stimulates creativity, imagination and inventiveness. We believe that art gives our children the skills, concepts and knowledge for them to express themselves through ideas and shared experiences.

“Art is not just a subject to learn, but an activity that you can practise with your hands, your eyes, your whole personality.” Quentin Blake


The use of the natural environment is encouraged at Milton Park Primary. The school has a wonderful ever changing garden area for the children to learn, surrounded by nature and natural light. The children are often taken outside to drawing the wooded area, under the trees and our purpose build seating area.  Direct observation is encouraged and Portsmouth boasts an abundance of natural resources and local amenities. Where possible, we work together with the local community to make local visits to galleries, museums and welcome and encourage specialist visitors to our school.

At Milton Park Primary School, art is not wholly taught just in a designated Art lesson, but wherever appropriate it is linked to projects and the wider curriculum as this gives children the opportunities to bring a topic to life. We use dedicated whole school curriculum days to bring in a love of the arts, and create whole school displays. We celebrate and recognise the work children bring into school from home. 

Art enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think. Children should begin by experiencing the works of other artists and stimulus, with the intent on interpreting the works into their own innovated work of art, through studying the artist techniques and skills, Finally, experimenting with their own ideas, use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes to create their own finished piece. Self-evaluation of learning is encouraged and children are taught and encouraged to develop their resilience to achieve their goals.


At Milton Park Primary School, we aim to embody some of the highest forms of creativity amongst our children by providing the children with an art and design curriculum and experience that engages, inspires and challenges. This will equip our learners with the skills, knowledge and resilience to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As our children progress through the school they will be able to think creatively and relate their learning to how art is valued in our history, culture and the wider community of our nation.

What will you see in an Art book?


We use sketchbooks to record experience and imagination, to help the children develop their ideas and to show progression in their artistic ability. We encourage children to work on their own and collaborating with others on projects in two and three dimensions and on small and large scales. Every class has their own range of resources and the children are free to select their own media for their art work. This enables the children to explore through media the journey, reflect and adapt the outcome independently.