Our Curriculum Statement
Our vision at Milton Park is to provide a memorable, ambitious and creative curriculum for all children that promotes curiosity and problem solving. In partnership with the school community, we will provide children with exciting experiences and opportunities that will inspire a love of learning and allow children to challenge their thinking and learn together in order to become a future citizens of the world.
Our Curriculum
Subject coordinators have worked hard on ensuring that the intent, implementation and impact of their subject is clear.
Click on the each of the subject coordinators below to see how we teach the curriculum at Milton Park Primary School. We have developed planning toolkits to support progression from Year R-Year 6 in each of the curriculum areas.

Year Group Overviews
At Milton Park, we operate our curriculum through projects as we believe this is how our children learn best. The yearly overviews set out what we aim to cover each term, however we build in flexibility so that we are able to cover topical projects. This could include a major news event, a sporting event such as the Olympics or a significant anniversary.
Click on the image above to view the documents.

Curriculum - Intent, Implementation, Impact
Each subject outlines its own intent, implementation and impact which subject coordinators use to check for compliance across the school.
Click on the image above to read all about our 3Is for each curriculum area.
If you would like further information about the curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher or phase leader via the year group email address.